About Me

About Me

Hello, my name is Alexia Clarke. I am from London and currently live in Greater Manchester.

I feel that it's important to have a reason why and that spark has helped motivate me to spend the last few years developing my digital marketing skills, including using AI to engage and nurture leads, through various marketing techniques and tools such as Chrome Extensions. I hope to pass on my knowledge, to those who want to create their websites, learn new skills, or develop their online presence.

I feel fortunate to have found marketing platforms and communities of like-minded people who share their knowledge and support each other through their online journey. With the influence of AI the world of online marketing is set to generate untold potential for those who choose to take these opportunities seriously.

I enjoy using various social media platforms, with Pinterest being my favourite at the moment and I intend to continue to develop my following. There are endless possibilities to test out strategies quickly and easily. If you are new to digital marketing you might find that it is better to find a platform that has an active community that will help guide your first steps into the industry.

Depending on your finances and how you intend to get visitors, using a free traffic strategy could take longer to build up your following. If you decide to pay for traffic you will see faster results for your business or hobby. 

You will find that the online landscape is constantly changing, leading to new and exciting possibilities. I thank my family, as they continue to be a great support.

All the best with your online journey! 

Alexia Clarke

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